The plan of the break-off has been studied not only to guarantee the maximum of safety, but also to extend the fun and the spectacularity (sic) of the flight from exit till the moment before opening. The idea is to start a first break-off in main groups, and then a second break-off at different altitudes in two way, three way, and four way sequenced openings. In this way the possibility of close openings are minimized. This is ideal for a sequenced and ordered landing pattern.
Regarding the break-off training we will focus in the first phase on becoming very confident in the two-way separation with sequenced deployment. The two-way break off can be done with both flyers on their front, or with one on their front and the other on their back.
In a second phase, we will train the three-way and four-way separation, following the altitude indicated plan. The first few times, start breaking off a bit early to practice the sequence.
Other general rules for break off to be trained and consolidated:
- Set up your audible altimeter in the most precise way.
- Respect the planned break off altitude! Start immediately the break off when you hear the audible altimeter, but remember to start gently, not radically, turning the head watching in the direction you are going.
- Be precise in the 90 degree or different planned break off trajectory.
- Identify immediately your break off partner/s, and deploy sequentially as planned.
- During the separation always watch around in 360 degrees.
- The two way break off with one flyer on their front and one on their back, guarantees a double check above and below . In any case watch also laterally and forward in the direction where you are going.
- If for any reason you are not in the correct place just before the break off, be sure to separate early before entering the zone used by others flyers.
Under canopy :
- Always be very careful to look around and be aware of the surrounding traffic.
- No spiraling!
The landing sequence should be determined by the opening sequence and by the fastest canopies.
- In the final last two turns, don’t watch only the landing zone, but open the view around you to check if there are other canopies approaching to ensure enough space.
- Keep the axis of the separation during and after the opening, correcting back to the axis if your canopy turns you some degrees off heading during opening.